
Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Insomnia, or sleeplessness, is a sleep disorder in which there is an inability to fall asleep or to stay asleep as long as desired.

Why so sudden I post about this? Huhu, Lately I couldn't get my beauty sleep. Only after five a.m or after subuh, Neesa akan dapat tidur. It's really killing me. Tired. Difficult etc.

"Those who are having trouble sleeping sometimes turn to sleeping pills, which can help when used occasionally but may lead to dependence or addiction if used regularly for an extended period."  *Which is sometimes I did it. 

Tips Mengatasi Insomnia.

  • Cubalah untuk tidur pada jam yang sama setiap malam.
  • Cubalah untuk meningkatkan aktiviti anda di siang hari
  • Kurangkan pengambilan makanan atau minuman yang mengandung kafein, terutama menjelang malam
  • Khususkan tempat tidur hanya untuk tidur
  • Lakukan aktiviti santai sebelum tidur
  • Atur pernafasan agar lebih dalam dan panjang
  • Jangan terlalu terobsesi dengan tidak boleh tidur

And I hope that after ni , Neesa dapat mengstabilkan waktu , tempoh Neesa tidur. Hopefully cause I'm going to enter my sem sept. And I'm gonna be striving for the best to maintain my results. 

That's all. Goodbye people.

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