
Almost 3 months in my third semester of diploma, and thank God I still can survive despite all of the assignments and commitments in activities. And I barely can't believe that I'm already half way to complete my diploma and that I'm almost to be twenty next month.

Right now, this monday gonna be my 13th week of academic weeks for my semester three. Time really flies as I just remember that my semester just started after three months of holiday. And now when I remember how the last 12 weeks really test my patience very well.

Of course every single students will stress out due to assignments but then this semester I was tested with different people attitude, relationships and so on. However Alhamdulillah. I still able to maintain my good results. 

This semester, I have spend a lot of my weekends with activities and I went home for some of my weekends. I vowed to myself to spend my leisure time with my parents and family rather than playing with friends. Family gives me strength to study and struggle during my studies. And I am being so open to my family by telling them all my problems, struggle so that they will able to say " It's okay Nur Aneesa, InsyaAllah you'll secure the best, you'll perform the best".

The best words come from your mother and father. It's gonna be good dua' for you to succeed. Besides that, I'm going to give my thankful words to Allah that He grants me good friends, lecturers and good guy for me that really helps me in order to obtain good grades. I'll be able to understand the subjects really quickly and easier rather than reading all the books without any guidance. 

I'm really hoping that I can sustain my 4.00 for this semester. InsyaAllah. 
Do pray for me guys. 

Nur Aneesa (7.12.14;6.37 p.m.)

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